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Versatile 835, 855, 875, 895, 935, 945, 950, 955, 975 Tractor Service Manual
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Item Number


Versatile 835, 855, 875, 895, 935, 945, 950, 955, 975 Tractor Service Manual


Versatile 835 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 855 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 875 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 895 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 935 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 945 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 950 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 955 (Chassis Only)
Versatile 975 (Chassis Only)

Reproduction OEM Factory Service Manuals

  • Our binders allow the manual to stay flat and to stay open. Try that with original manuals.
  • Easier to read - Razor sharp graphics and text.
  • Reproductions often include updates, specs and pics not included in the original manual.

Jensales makes the highest quality reproduction manuals in the world. We start with all original graphics and data, and where possible; add updates, pictures and after market specifications not available originally. Additionally, we comb bind our manuals for unbeatable durability and ease of use. Many people agree that our manuals are better than the originals.

Why You Need It

The service manual (AKA shop manual or repair manual) tells you how to take the tractor apart, fix it, and put it back together. It it written in the language of a mechanic and may include valuable detailed information such as specifications, torques, ranges, etc. If you are serious about repairs or restoration, you need the service manual.


Publisher: Jensales / Versatile
Softcover: 11.0 x 8.5 inches

All Prices in US Dollars