ASE B6 Delmar Test Prep Manual - Damage Analysis & Estimating, 3rd Edition
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In addition to the easy-to-read text, the Delmar B6 Damage Analysis & Estimating Self-Study Guide contains dozens of useful illustrations. You'll also find the Delmar B6 Mechanical & Electrical Components Self-Study Guide to be a handy reference manual that you can use on the job after you've taken the ASE test.
- Tips on preparing for and taking the ASE test.
- The B6 ASE Test Task List, which lists the knowledge that a technician must have to pass the B6 ASE test.
- Extensive Damage Analysis and Estimating information, including inspection, measurement, identification and pricing procedures.
- Extensive Vehicle Construction, Systems, and Parts Identification and Sourcing information.
- Customer Relations and Sales Skills information.
- A Practice Test, with all questions written in the ASE style. The answers to the Practice Test questions contain thorough explanations for each answer.
- A comprehensive Glossary, including all damage analysis and estimating-related terms used in the Study Guide.